Saturday, June 19, 2010


Happy Saturday Morning to Everyone!

As I sit here this morning in my little office space, I realize that somehow I've accumulated a lot of stuff again. It looks crowded and cluttered, which makes me feel crowded and cluttered. So, I'm going to spend some time today getting rid of some more stuff! What fun! The past two days I've simplified my schedule, slowed down so I'm not rushing around; I've tried to focus on one thing at a time. Today's I need to do the same!

Here's what my simplified focus brought me...

1. I finished the adult novel I was reading for my book club. It was not my typical read, but I found a lot of value in it. I'm not going to blog about it because it isn't something I want you to pick up out of curiosity! The next book club book is all for you!

2. I found that going over to school and sitting at the hallway table by the big window allows me to finish my homework for class in 2 hours, not the 3 1/2 it has been taking me at home (as I let the dogs in and out ... several times, answer phone calls, check email, check Facebook, get a cup of coffee, get a snack...). Single tasking with homework has made a huge difference!

3. I snuck in a little nap which made me feel refreshed and energetic so...

4. I vacuumed the whole house!

Now I'm off to single-task on the most important job I have - being a mom. The cherubs should be up soon!

Ms. Hagen


  1. you HAVE to let me babysit your kids soon!! they are absolutely adorable!! call me.

  2. Look out! I might just take you up on that, and it's kind of a zoo around here! :)
