Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Extreme Guilt!!!

I know, I know! I haven't posted in 3 DAYS!!! I feel horrendously guilty over this and thought about it daily... here's what I've accomplished in all my "slacker" time since I wrote last:

1) Read The Help by Kathryn Stockett (awesome fictional Civil Rights story about black maids in Jackson, Mississippi - 444 pages!). Yep, read the whole thing over a weekend for homework!

2) Finished Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire. Holy cow! I think that may be the toughest book that I ever really read (didn't even skip any). Very complex, but it was also REALLY good.

3) Planned a unit that I will present tomorrow in class about how we're going to use our Writer's Notebook this fall (or late summer, really... less than 2 months now!). I have found some wicked cool ideas for our front cover!! Curious? Google "altered text" or "altered books" and "junk art" and you'll kind of get a little sneak peak.

So, my laundry is piled high in a crumpled heap on the dryer; my desk is a disaster (I'm sure that is no surprise at all); and I haven't blogged like I promised. BUT I have fed my brain well.

I hope everyone has had a lovely, lovely June. My class ends this week, so I'll actually have some free time. Might have to hang out at Barnes and Nobel...

Happy Tired Tuesday!
Ms. Hagen

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