Sunday, June 6, 2010

Introducting My Desk!

Good Morning! I'm giving up trying to sleep in. Yesterday, I woke up at 5:30; today 5:32. By the time I am sleeping to a reasonable hour, it will be time to get up early again! I know, you guys don't have this problem!
Well, since I'm up, I thought I'd introduce you to my workspace today. Whenever I've moved somewhere new (college dorm, house, classroom), I always felt better once my desk was organized. (You might not know this since you've seen what my desk at school often looks like!) Anyway, I have a little corner in my family room that has my desk, computer, bookcase, filing cabinet and a few pretties. I have a window which right now looks out on to blooming orangish-yellow lilies and the rising sun. The little shelf in the picture above, however, is the best. It has my favorite decorating colors (pale blue and green which remind me of the ocean), a splash of pink (of course!), a great quote, these cute little painted words, and my wonderful supply of pens, markers and colored pencils. The walls have yet to be painted andI haven't hung up my big bulletin board or my pictures, but those will come.
I think office is too formal a name for my creative little space. I'll have to call it something better. Maybe I'll read some Anne of Green Gables for inspiration. Haven't read it? OHHH! You're mising out - it's fantastic, especially in the summer! The author is L.M. Montgomery - check it out!!
Happy Sunday!
Ms. Hagen

1 comment:

  1. that is great look up we shovel snow and do alot of other stuff it is really fun because we are a ll saving up for a car soit is me my sister and my friend it is a bloger account just search up KieKau
