Saturday, June 5, 2010

I'm Grateful!

On this first official day of summer, I'm going to look back at all the great things about this school year.

1. Our lap tops! I never dreamed I'd EVER have a full classroom set of laptops where we could jump on the internet, write a paper, or create poetry whenever we wanted. That has been a dream come-true!

2. Loving Poetry Mondays! I've always done a poetry unit in my classes before, but never I never chose a day to just create poetry. I'm grateful that we tried it, but I'm more grateful that you all jumped in and created fantastic poems. AND you liked it!!

3. Our Civil Rights Unit! I learned as much as you did - with our research and our projects, all our lives were changed. The Rosa Parks movie was just frosting on the cake.

4. Our classroom! I was really nervous about moving back into a "regular" classroom after spending two years teaching in the commons (which was HUGE!). I was worried we'd be cramped, crowded and grouchy. But we were not! After re-arranging several times to get things just right, our room was terrific!

5. YOU! What can I say about this year's team?? You love to read (over 2,500 books this year); you came with me on all the writing journeys that I took you on; you corrected me when I forgot HHH; you teased me when I needed it (Skittles...need I say more?); you listened intently to my passionate speeches about your future; you got me accused of cheating on the writing assessment because you did so well; you guys were terrific. I am so lucky to have one more year with you!

Happy First Day of Summer!
Ms. Hagen

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