Friday, June 4, 2010

The last day of school!

We made it! The very last day of your 6th grade career. We've been signing yearbooks, t-shirts, shoes, and socks.... all morning! It's been a really good year. We read lots of fun stuff (over 2,500 books team-wide!); you wrote a million notebook entries, stories, essays, and poems. We used our new laptops to do Power Points, Photostory projects, and, of course, lots of essays. I watched you blossom from my baby 6th graders to almost 7th graders. And, unlike many teachers, I am always sad when the school year ends. Not sad that summer is coming, just sad that I don't get to see my school family all summer, and that I don't get to do reading and writing with you all every day. Really (no sarcasm at all, even if you find that hard to believe!).

But instead of staring at the door that's closing, I'm choosing to turn around and look at the one that's opening...the one full of no 5:15 alarm clocks, sunny, warm days, reading and writing whenever I feel like it (and my children will let me!), and lots of painting at my new house. Oh, and a little planning for 7th grade will of course sneak into my brain! We'll have adventures in Greek mythology, how-to speeches, learning how to persuade without whining...

Happy Summer my Little Readers and Writers! Tomorrow starts the real world of summer blogging!
Ms. Hagen


  1. I'm sad that I want see my school family too

    Have a great summer!

    (I'll be checking on the blog everyday!)
