Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hello again - I said I'd post twice since I missed yesterday (due to Blogger's technical problems). I just read a post from one of my favorite teachings blogs, http://twowritingteachers.wordpress.com about a way to read books online for free, called We Give Books. You can check it out at http://www.wegivebooks.org/p/how-it-works
It's a great way to read some good books; plus, books are donated to people around the world who need books. How great is that?

Speaking of reading, I'm off to do MY HOMEWORK! I started my class, "Critical Literacy Across the Curriculum" yesterday, and I have read some very cool stuff (3 articles and a book chapter, to be exact). My mind is already spinning with ideas for next year, but since nothing is definite, I won't share quite yet.

I hope you all stayed dry today, and that your first week of summer is going as well as mine!
Happy Tuesday!
Ms. Hagen

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