Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Anxiety, Anxiety, All Around

It's very exciting to have followers - a real audience, not just random ramblings. Thanks, guys!

So, I'm getting ready to be a student again. Monday to be exact. I'm taking a course in Critical Literacy at the University, and I'm not sure what all I'm going to learn about. I guess that's how you all feel going into most of your classes; you have no idea what you're going to learn.

I have some anxieties too. What if there's TONS of homework? What if there are mean people in my class? What if they're all super-creative, high-tech, geniuses and I feel really dumb?? Should I take a laptop with me? Should I buy a really cute notebook and some fun pens? Backpack or bag? Clothes - what kind? Shoes? AHHHHHH!

I know. You're thinking that this is really good for me, aren't you? You're thinking that this is just how you felt when you walked into middle school last August, not knowing what to expect. You were probably 10 times as scared as I feel. After all, I have been a college student before.

Well, here's what I think. I think I'll just be me. I know I love to read and write, so I'll just do the work the best I can. I'll bring my cute notebook, pens and my laptop because all that makes me happy. I'll wear shorts, a t-shirt and my Chacos because they're comfortable. And I'll carry my backpack because it's way more comfortable to walk around with than my bag. And if I'm not cool, I can live with that.

Anxiety gone? No. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

Have a fantastic Wednesday afternoon!
Ms. Hagen

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