Friday, August 13, 2010

Wrapping it up

So, this is it, for me. The last day of summer vacation before I start meetings and official school preparations on Monday. I met yesterday with Mr. Scholten and Mrs. Townsend about some integrated projects we want to do with the computers - even though Mrs. Townsend won't be with us in the library :(. I've also been writing about our Writer's Notebook, independent reading, projects. All that good stuff. I'm excited to start reading and writing with you again.

The only part that I'm trying to work out is how NOT to make our school year feel hectic, rushed and stressful. Yes, there is more to do, but how can we all feel less overwhelmed? How can we enjoy the processes of reading, writing and thinking without the stress of time, grades, and getting it all done? Everything I've learned this summer reminds me that our brains learn best when we're happy, not when we're upset, stressed or downright angry.

Well, I don't have any answers for all that right now, so I'll keep working on it. I'm sure while I'm doing laundry, vacuuming, and all that today, my brain will be busy. That's how it usually goes.

Enjoy today. Relax. Have fun. Smile as much as you can.

Happy Friday!
Ms. Hagen

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