Monday, August 2, 2010

My Favorite Time of the Year Has Arrived!!!

I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. I love August. It is my all-time, very favorite month of the year. Really. Yes, my birthday is this month, but that thrill left with my 20s. I love August because of SCHOOL! I love the leisurely days of getting my classroom clean, reorganized, and adding some new touches. I love the smell of the waxed floors, especially the gym. I love seeing other teachers who I haven't seen all summer and getting caught up. I love planning lessons when I have time to really think things through. I love to load new fonts on to my computer, to create handouts and fliers. I love to write in my new lesson plan book, recording the events of the year that I know about. Everything is so fresh and clean.

And, then, finally, at long last, the day before school arrives. Butterflies invade my stomach in nervous anticipation. Before 6th grade, I usually don't sleep very well, but 7th grade I do. Then comes the first morning of school. I open my door, flip on the lights and make sure everything is ready. Then I head down to the office hall to wait for the first kids to appear. This will be my 13th year of doing that at Smithton, and I'm just as excited for this year as I always am. I guess that's how I know I'm meant to be a teacher.

Adding to my excitement this year is that I will have TWO kids in school this year. Number 1 son will be a big first grader, and Number 1 daughter goes to kindergarten. I guess because I am the middle child too, and because she is SO much like me, this is really special. I know she'll love school in ways her brother loves recess. She'll want to go school supplies shopping in July just like I do, and she'll plan out every outfit a hundred times before the first day of school.

Keep enjoying your days off, or if you're like me, feel free to get excited! Do what makes you happy for the next couple weeks before the crazy pace of school hits us all!

(I promise I'm still doing summer stuff too! Oakland Pool is our new favorite spot!)

Happy August!

Ms. Hagen
P.S. The picture is from our deck last night! Quite exciting!

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