Saturday, August 14, 2010

The party was a success!

Today was the big party. I have to admit that I was a bit worried. Yes, I teach classrooms full of middle school students and don't find that scary (mostly!); however, I was a bit intimidated by all these little kids. I imagined them all swinging from ceiling fans, drawing with markers on the walls, and tackling the dogs. I was so wrong! They were awesome!!! They played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, Pokemon Bingo, and made Pokemon masks. Then we ate lunch - hot dogs, chips and grapes. They played a bit, and then we had cake and ice cream. Suddenly parents were arriving, and we hadn't even opened presents! They all said they had fun, and my son thought it was "awesome," so I'll take that as success.

Happy Saturday!

Ms. Hagen

1 comment:

  1. O my gosh, I slept over at Addison Horsey's house last night, and Cooper came down in the morning wearing that little mask, and I was thinking "What the kind of animal is that?" And so I asked Addi what it was and she told me, and then we talked about how Darion was going to Russel this year since he moved...and ya that's my story.
