Saturday, August 7, 2010

Guest Speaker

Yesterday I got to go to my girls' daycare class and be the guest speaker. They are learning about jobs (which is a relief because previously my daughters wanted to be fairy princesses, and now are considering nursing or teaching!), so I got to tell them about being a teacher. I also shared Amelia's Notebook, talked about our "big kids" Writer's Notebook and gave them each a spiral of their very own. Let me tell you, I have NEVER witnessed such excitement. Chubby little hands grabbed their notebooks, and they RAN to the table to begin writing and drawing. There was much yelling, "Miss Lynn! Miss Lynn! Come and see what I made!" My heart was beating with joy!

Now 7th graders, I think we can learn something here. If four and five year olds can show some excitement for new Writer's Notebooks, how about you? You can do it! Please... just a little? You don't have to hug me or yell with delight, but how about a smile...or at least no major scowling or eye rolling? :)

Your very appreciative teacher,
Ms. Hagen

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