Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm back at school!

So, today was the first day back for teachers. We spent the morning in a whole faculty meeting, had lunch and spent the afternoon in a team meeting - mostly planning our first day together. It was good to think about the new school year and what I want to achieve as a teacher, but the most exciting part is yet to come - you guys! I love to see everyone again and to take on the challenge again of making us all grow as readers and writers. Tomorrow morning is all mine, so that's what I'm doing, putting some polishing touches on portfolios, Writer's Notebook stuff, independent reading, and some other classroom goodies. Then in the afternoon it's off to a district language arts meeting.

Don't forget to stop by and say hi Wednesday at schedule pick-up! I'm very excited to see you all!

Happy Last Couple of Days Off For You!
Ms. Hagen

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