Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Not Quite Summer, but...

I know that this is my Summer Writing Blog, but since I'm not at school today, I figured it was OK to post something. Today is Moving Day #1 for our family. I'm getting a little truck and loading up boxes before the real movers come tomorrow. The sun is shining brightly, and it's supposed to be perfect moving weather - low 70s.

We're very excited about this move - we're downsizing to a smaller house, part 2 of the simplifying our home plan. Part one was major decluttering the house. Now, we need less house and less yard to maintain. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

All right. It's 6:15am (you did know I'm a BIG morning person, right?), and it's time to get this day started. I hope you all have a fantastic day at school, reading and writing diligently. The stories are good; I promise.
Ms. Hagen


  1. ms.hagen u have always been so funny! :D

  2. we should totally meet somewhere this summer. u should come to florida with me and my mommy and daddy:)

  3. i was your 4th follower. u should like me way better than u do madison!!! hahahahahahaha!!!:)
