Sunday, May 30, 2010

Long weekends feel like summer!

It's Memorial Day weekend, what to me feels like the beginning of summer. As a kid, we were always done with school by now, even though the weather was usually chilly.

Not so here! The weather is beautiful this weekend with sunshine galore, warm breezes and low humidity. I say bring on the summer! And, since it feels like summer, let's do a litting blogging!

I'm reading two books right now, and I like them both for different reasons. First, I'm reading The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo by Steig Larson. I started it after some teacher friends HIGHLY recommended it, and after 30 pages was ready to abandon. Then I decided to be part of a teacher book group this summer. First book? Yep, The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo! Back to it. This time, I sat up at the kitchen counter, focused on the book instead of laying in bed, exhausted after finally getting moved into our new house. And, guess what? I like it! I'm just getting to the mystery, and I think it's just going to get better. Lessons learned: when you're really tired, even good books drag, and sometimes, you have to read bigger chunks to get into a story.

The second book I'm reading is Sidney Poitier's The Measure of a Man. It's his memoirs, and so far I'm still in his childhood on Cat Island. It's a great "lay-in-bed-and-let-the-words-wash-over-you" read. So far. Still early, so I'll keep you updated!

Writing? Nothing exciting yet. I do have my desk, computer and office kind of set up, so that will start soon!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Ms. Hagen

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