Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bye, Domino

There he is, my ferocious, loving, funny cat, Domino, laying on my laptop. I love that guy. He'd try to get my breakfast cereal every morning, sneaking his little paws towards my bowl. He'd roll around the table purring on top of my book (I know, cats shouldn't be on the table, but he was). Then he'd get so excited, he'd jump up and grab my head in his paws and bite my hair, all while purring madly.

We came home yesterday to find him barely alive. He died soon after. We don't know why or how. Just suddenly gone. While the kids are awake, I'm brave and smiling. "God must have needed Domino right away," I say. Joplin had a terrible tornado this weekend, and many people died. Maybe God did need a cat with a good sense of humor. I hope so.

But down here on earth, with my kids tucked into bed, I'm missing my black and white buddy. Rest in peace, kitty.